Miranda is a freelance journalist specializing in financial topics. Her work appears on numerous web sites, including on her blog Planting Money Seeds.
The biggest purchase you are likely to make in your life is your home. In fact, your home purchase is so large that you will probably need to borrow in order to make it happen. Read More
We all make mistakes with our time and our money. There are few of us who have never done anything ill-advised with our finances. Unfortunately, the results of our mistakes with money can be added to a credit history that can then undermine future efforts to borrow — or to receive good terms when we do. Read More
Your mortgage rate is a big deal. Since a mortgage is such a large loan, and since the term spans decades, a 1% difference in your mortgage rate can mean a savings of tens of thousands of dollars over time. Getting the best mortgage rate when you buy a home is a must if you want to maximize your finances. Read More
Because homeownership is considered such a major part of most finances, many people rush into it without considering whether or not they are ready. Homeownership is a big commitment of money, time, and energy. Read More